Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rest on Saturday? Psh!

Wow. What a crazy 24 hours.
Last night I met up with my roommates and their girlfriends and we went into Gardiner. Such fun people with unique and interesting stories. National Parks truly conglomerate unique individuals! Definitely found new friends!
This morning I woke up BRIGHT and early to run down to Norris to take a 1.5 mile Ranger tour of Norris Geyser Basin. My supervisor recommend I try to go to these to get a better idea of what I will be doing down the road. The tour was called 'Windows into Yellowstone.' It was SO cool and SO was pouring rain. Pretty miserable. By the end of the tour, I was thinking my planned day of festivities was shot.
Suddenly, it stopped raining. I began to make plans. My next tour did not start until 3pm at Canyon, so I had time to kill. I decided to go hiking in an area called Ice Lake and Wolf Lake. A Ranger warned me of a grizzly and her cubs living in that area, so I actually walked with the bear spray in my hand the entire time. But it was SUCH an adventure. Due to the melting snow AND rain, the Gibbon river was overflowing. As a result, the natural ways for me to cross were submerged. I had to be creative. Eep!
But, I made it out alive and ran over to Canyon. I stopped at a picnic area, ate my lunch and did a little writing. After that, it was off to the South Rim tour. The group was predominately older, with LOTS of questions. As a result, I ended up breaking off from the group and doing my own thing. I went down the Uncle Tom's trail to the bass of the falls. SO BEAUTIFUL! But sooo many stairs.
By the time I got back into my car, storm clouds moved back in. JUST IN TIME.
I ran back to Mammoth, showered, ran to Gardiner, grabbed some coffee and am writing now.
After this I am going to a get-together with my coworkers at my supervisors house. Should be fine!
I miss all of you! I'm sorry for the massive amount of pictures I'm about to provide!
Light on the mountains. Pre-rain.

Norris Geysers. Most active spot in Yellowstone.

It started raining. Add geysers = STEAM!

Porcelain Basin at Norris

Fun Fumerole

Green algae on the water coming from the geysers.

My hike to Ice Lake

Tall trees that survived the 1988 fires and new growth.

Squirrel friend.

The Gibbon

Where I was supposed to cross.

Not going to happen.

I found some different logs.

Down stream!

V for Victory

Bison tracks!

BEAR TRACKS! I actually saw a MUCH fresher track near the Gibbon, but I was more concerned with making sure the bear wasn't nearby than snagging a picture...

Another crossing...

Got it!

Falls on the Gibbon this still the trail?

I got very wet and muddy in this meadow.

Wolf tracks! You can tell by the claw imprint at the tip of the toes.

Calm Gibbon

The road!

This is where I ate lunch.

Wapiti Picnic Area


Upper falls!

The Canyon

Lower Falls. Lots of snow still.

A beautiful rainbow by Lower Falls.

1 comment:

  1. uff da! you are truly evil Grant. with all the great stories and pictures you are posting, you will FORCE me to come visit, and go WAY over my summer budget. Evil Evil Grant! No scotcheroos for you!
