I'm sitting at the Tumbleweed with a cup-o-coffee before heading back. I'm getting together with some rangers tonight (my roommate's friends) and with the YCC (Youth Conservation Corps) tomorrow night. In between I plan to hit up the main sites in Yellowstone and shadow Ranger Talks. My supervisor told me I could eventually be giving school group tours ANYWHERE in the park, so I better get on educating myself!
Today started out REALLY slow. I watched some training DVD's for the first 3 hours of the day with the College intern, Alexis. We were bored out of our minds. (Although, I must admit watching videos about Wolves and Grizzlies in the park is a TON more enjoyable than any other videos!) I had no idea the presence of wolves in MN, WY and Idaho (what is the state abbreviation for Idaho?) is so controversial!
After lunch (which I finally made) we ran up to the YCC camp to crash their training. We got a safety talk (boring) before my supervisors came in to give us some mock-lessons for K-8 students. SO MUCH FUN! We made plaster molds of animal prints we found or made (mine was a bison). After that we looked at about 10 skulls and had to use a list of observations to figure out the animal. The first category was teeth: which four types of teeth are most prominent? Does this make it a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? Next question: where are their eyes placed. If they have binocular vision (forward, like humans) they are predators. If they have peripheral vision (on the sides) they are prey. And then there were several other minor observations that helped you narrow it down to the animal group. My group of three got every skull correct. The Lynx was the hardest!
I'm learning so much and getting SO many ideas to take home to my classroom! I can't wait!
Oh, and I got some bear spray today! YAY!
Quiz for those reading: who can tell me what an Ungulate is WITHOUT looking it up?
Fear the Bear spray. But seriously...
You do NOT want this stuff on you! Contrary to popular opinion, it DOES work. A woman was able to save herself and her child already this summer with the spray!
These little guys are EVERYWHERE! I'm just waiting for the day I step on one.
Where I go to grab lunch and internet on my lunchbreak in Mammoth.
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