After I finished writing last Friday, I hoped in my car and drove to 2A to consume Breakfast for Dinner. I picked up some Nutella first, naturally, and arrived for the delicious foods! So much wonderful stuff: Pancakes, French Toast, Quiche, Fritta, Biscuits and Gravy, Toast, Grits, etc etc etc. I didn't know I could fit so much stuff into my belly. There was a really nice crowd. Besides myself, my roommate Eric, the girls and guys who live in 2A (Udeitha, Amanda, Luke, Chris), Amanda's friends from the Ornithology department were there. It was lovely.
After, everyone wanted to run into the rodeo, but I decided I wanted to go for a walk and go to bed early (since I had to drive to Bozeman early the next day for work). I decided to walk up to the YCC camp and meet up with Millie to finalize our driving plans to Bozeman. I almost didn't grab my bear spray because I figured there was NO WAY I would see a bear on my way up there. Fortunately, I did...because I ran into a cinnamon black bear on my walk. She was really far away, but she did notice me. And the trail led right to her. Soooo, I had to go to the road. Boo!
When I got to YCC, I was attacked by the entire staff and forced to hang out instead of sleeping. Story of my life.
So, the next morning, after Nessa's brilliant mousing skills, I got up, grabbed Millie, got coffee and a muffin (so hard to eat while driving) and drove to Bozeman for Montana Pride. Parade. Touch table with pelts. Dancing. It was so fun. But Ranger uniforms aren't the most comfortable things in the world...especially the hats. But I was happy to be there working for the national park.
And I was so happy to have Millie and Devaney with me. I love them so much!
The next day, we grabbed delicious food at a Chinese buffet and headed back to Mammoth. I dropped off Millie and met up with Udeitha. We decided to make chocolate chip cream cheese cupcakes for Eric's birthday under the careful guidance of the expert baker and chef, Amanda.
During this time, I got a call from the lovely Abe Katz and Morandi Hurst, telling me they were in Mammoth! It was so great to see them briefly before they had to head to bed and I had to run into town with the gang for dinner. We were ravenous. We consumed delicious foods at the Raven but were soooo exhausted when we were all done. Bed was in order.
Today was a good day at work. I shadowed a hour and a half Terrace Walk and then proceeded to try and write my own. I will hopefully get to lead my own before the summer is over! We also did some other odd jobs. But, the best part was a spontaneous lunch at...the Raven. I promise I eat at other places.
But anyway, I think I tore through the weekend too quickly. But...I'm short on time. Until next time!
Walking to YCC
The cinnamon Black bear
The crew at our table!
Millie and me holding the banner!
Making cupcakes with Udeitha!
Elk cow and calves outside! Cute!
Raven Dinner
Raven lunch
The Raven: outdoor seating!
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