Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Picture-A-Day Journal

So...I am currently on lunch break during my first day of being a Park Ranger at Yellowstone National Park. It is so surreal that I am here. How did I wind up with this amazing/crazy opportunity? All I know is that I feel blessed. As I walked over to the cafe in Mammoth Hot Springs, I ran into an Elk mother. Luckily my supervisor had JUST told me to watch out for female elk around our housing. She said they tend to hide calves under our decks and WILL attack if you are nearby. With this bit of advice...I slowly backed away. At that moment I noticed the calf under the deck near where I was about to walk.
This is going to be a wild adventure!
There are so many things to describe:
The old and ornate housing that I live in that is a part of the original Fort Yellowstone.
The amazing drive through Teton National Park that led to the South entrance of Yellowstone. My quarters are in the northern end, so I was able to drive through the entirety of Yellowstone. SO BIG! Also, driving down a 6% grade during road construction DURING rain (so mud) was TERRIFYING!
Immediately entering Yellowstone, observing a grizzly and people being arrested for trying to get too close.
Countless bison, elk and pronghorn.
Gorgeous geysers.
Chilling out with a rogue Bison on the road. Waiting for him to decide to move.
Getting my Ranger badges.
I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is. And I haven't even finished my first day.
the point is that I want to challenge myself to take a picture a day and post it on this blog. (Some days may have to be presented on multiple days since internet access is limited). But, to start out, I am going to put a few pictures:
                                       This is where I live in Mammoth Hot Springs. Fort
                                       Yellowstone. The door with the yellow kayaks. Two
                                        cool roommates, Eric and Matt. I ran into the Elk mother
                                       as I turned the corner around the house.
                                                             Going for a refreshing swim!
                                        I thought he was going to climb on my car for a moment.
                                                            But he chose not to. ( :

Over and out! Back to my supervisor!


  1. This is incredible!
    You made the right choice, my friend. I am excited to follow along with your adventures in words and pictures.

  2. I agree, you did make the right choice. I am very excited to hear about your adventures. I will be looking for a poem (like the 6th grade one you did for Indian Ed class) about this experience.
    Hugs, smiles, and scotcheroos.
    the parrott
